Requesting an Official Excused Absence from the Dean of Students Office
Official Excused Absences
Students are advised to work directly with their professors regarding class attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their instructor(s) regarding their absence as soon as possible, and to do what is required by the instructor(s) to make up all missed assignments and/or examinations. For some situations, the dean of students has authority to grant excused absences. These situations include the following: significant medical or psychological illness that requires hospitalization, or significant personal reasons such as bereavement, military duty, parenting leave, jury duty, or observance of religious holidays (see policy below).
All requests to the Dean of Students Office must be supported by official and appropriate documentation. Students must contact the Dean of Students office to complete a Request for Official Excused Absence and provide supporting professional documentation regarding the request within seven (7) days of the absence. If an official excused absence is granted, faculty members will be notified by the Dean of Students office. For official excused absences, faculty members are expected to make reasonable arrangements for students to complete missed work without a late penalty; students are responsible to make up the work. Official excused absences for official University of Evansville events and programs that are non-academic may be granted at the request of faculty, administrators, and staff by the Dean of Students Office. Official excused absences for students attending official academic conferences and programs may also be granted at the request of faculty and advisors by the Office of Academic Affairs. When students are requested to miss class for official University events and conferences, the faculty, or staff member responsible should notify the appropriate office with the names of the participating students at least ten (10) days, or as soon as possible, in advance of the event. There may be certain circumstances when an academic expectation cannot be made up (e.g., a concert or a performance). In this case, the student may be advised to take that specific course in another school semester when an absence results in their inability to complete course requirements. Whenever possible, communication with faculty members in advance is recommended. The grade of a student may not be lowered in any class due to official excused absences, including those issued by the Dean of Students or Academic Affairs.Official excused absences are not granted during the period of final exams. In extreme cases where an excused absence may be warranted during the final exam period, the dean of students will consult with the executive vice president for academic affairs regarding the request.
With respect to class attendance, the following principles apply:- Only the instructor may excuse a student from a class or lab to attend commitments such as music or theatre rehearsal, etc.
- Faculty should adhere to the Team Scheduling Policy available in the Faculty Senate Policy Statement regarding student-athlete absence. Instructors should note that student-athletes cannot be excused for practice sessions or conditioning activities.
- Instructors affected will be notified one week, or as soon as possible, prior to the class period during which absence is anticipated or as soon as possible.
- Missed class time due to student participation in University approved events is to be considered an excused absence.
- The grade of a student may not be lowered in any class due to excused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to take the initiative by consulting with the instructor regarding the absence and to do what is required by the instructor to make up all the missed assignments or examinations.
- Instructors are required to assist students in these occasional situations of excused absences.
Religious Holidays and Excused Absences
The following major religious holidays can be considered official excused absences for the University of Evansville student body without approval from the Dean of Students office: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the first day of Passover; Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas; Eid al- Fitr and Eid al-Adha. No student will be required to participate in or attend University events such as athletic contests, concerts, or outside lectures on these holidays provided a student’s conscientious religious observance requires their absence on the aforementioned days.
Students whose conscientious religious observance requires their absence on days not named above may make use of the procedure below: Observances of religious holidays vary by tradition and country and, in some faiths, in accordance with the lunar calendar. Since religious holidays are scheduled in advance, students are expected to formally request accommodation by completing the Request for Official Excused Absence form in the Dean of Students office at least ten (10) days in advance of the holiday. If an official excused absence is granted outside of the list of holidays mentioned above, faculty members will be notified by the Dean of Students office. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their instructor(s) regarding their absence in advance, and to do what is required by the instructor(s) to make up all missed assignments and/or examinations. The grade of a student may not be lowered in any class due to excused absences. Faculty members are expected to make reasonable arrangements for students to complete missed work without a late penalty; students are responsible to make up the work.Office Phone
Office Location
Room 230, Ridgway University Center